The Future is On the Table #3


Future002“The most intimate and delightful convening I attended all year was The Future Is on the Table,… The remarkable thing about these two artists, is their concept of inclusion. They throw ideas into the air and then collaborate closely with whomever is willing to catch them. This strategy results in arts productions so diverse that the two artists have to take on the role of ringmaster to the circus… The opening drew one of the most diverse audiences I have ever seen in an art gallery anywhere… Conversations circled around the surprising combinations of elements that drew the show together… there was much testimony about personal change…” Linda Burnham

“… I have never seen a project built on the tenets of community participation that turned out as successfully as The Future Is on The Table — a self-described experiment in “gift-exchange economics.” …” Darryl Wellington

The Community Arts website is presenting The Future is on the Table #3 as part of “Community Arts 2008: The Year of the Great Leap” written by Linda Burnham. Scroll to “The Local Leap: The Future is on the Table, Charleston, S.C.”

See also:

Exchanging Gifts in Charleston  by Darryl Wellington

Main artists participating with JEMAGWGA in this project are The Arpan Cooperative, Phinias Chirubvu, Omari Fox, Aurore Gruel, Arianne King Comer, Wok Marcia Kure, Rajni Shah and Delphine Ziegler.


HAPPENINGS 3 & 4 of The Future is on the Table PDF Download

WHAT IF, at The Future is on the Table #3? PDF Download


For Information and Documentation, see:
Pictures, blogs, notes on all events and participants are packed on that site.

There you may also peruse through over 200 pictures, artists’ pages. blogs and notes from the many events associated with the project.